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The career of a blonde
Exclusive interview with Brigitta Boccoli
She spent a lot of time with her family- her great passion together with the Circus art performing. The following are the reasons why we didn’t bear about her for a long time. Brigitta Broccoli, the well know Italian actress and showgirl who begun her career with, ‘Domenica in’ unmistakably pouring her innate grace and elegance in everything she does. A very cherished personality so sweet and harmonious. Her career started ever since she was very young when as a teenager she visited her sister Benedicta leading “Pronto chi gioca?” with Gianni Boncompagni and Enrica Bonaccorti. This was when he noticed her attitude to TV programs and offered both sisters to join him as twins even It they were not.
Brigitta, go on. What happened then? Well, I had already shot some advertising sketches bit they were just occasional.
It seems like this job got to me without my really longing for it. I remember as I was a child I used to dance and I was asked to adv some biscuits Gran Turchese Colussi brand. I did so and it was great fun. Afterward I was called by movie director Lucio Fulci, the master of horror cinema and then casually again since a school friend’s father was looking for someone like me. Therefore I can really day my career as an actress was absolutely fortunate. Maybe I’m destined to do, so even though I would have done something very different in my life. It all happened and It became my hobby and a real passion. You worked hard since you were a child: adv first then real movies and main roles, afterwards in your teen days a lot of TV. Is there a role you particularly cherished? Only two programs are in my heart: they are, “Domenica in” for the popularity and chance it gave me to be able to get to know people of the showbiz I’m still in touch with. With Reality Circus I met real friends- and It taught me a lot in the Circus world. This is also how I met my husband Stefano Nones Orfei, son of the famous Moira Orfei.
Was It him who introduced you to the Circus?
Yes, exactly. Yet since we fell in love suddenly everything happened in a very short time. We met surfing the shopping of , Reality Circus with Barbara D’Urso in season 2006-2007. You know It was set in a Real Circus tent close to the studios. We were trained by real circus people, Stefano was my supervisor. We were engaged right away and got married immediately. Our love affair gave me two wonderful children Manfredi who was born in 2008 and Brando in 2019.
Are you anxious? I mean, in this particular moment of your Life?
Apart form Ukraine war, I never had any difficulty in doing the mother and the actress this is something that never worried me. The photos you see I took them recently. In order to go back to a slim body I quit the gym and started being a real mother going with them at school and after school- It is healthy.
Did the second motherhood influence your career path?
Although I ‘m relaxing at the moment, because of the Pandemic or simply because I need to follow my children as they ask, I shall nonetheless continue with my job. The younger is only 2 and it is impossible to me to split now. I learnt to wait and see. Everything at the right moment; the circus thought me how to lead an elephant and sit on It. I produce theatre and TV programs. It all happened consciously and I had the humility to learn from those you knew more than me silently learning quickly and listening to enjoy my job.
In 2009 your husband, Stefano Orfei had a terrible accident
I still have in mind those horrible minutes when the tiger assaulted him out of flash or worries we don’t know of It grasped him, you see they were both completely white. I just couldn’t distinguish one another cause his costume was completely white. A shock. Luckily enough Walter, the father of Stefano, soon understood the situation and could save him.
Walter is the husband of the divine Moira Orfei. What are your memories? Or the things you learnt form her? what do you miss badly about them-for you worked with them and their creative art of Circus?
Moira filled my heart, her absence is intolerable to me for she was a mother and sister and friend- a star. Her huge love for her family and the unmistakable joy of living are really contagious. I really miss her so much. I talk to her every day, asking what to do and if I fail- out of sheer magic the answers come in unpredictable moments. She would have never ever wanted us to be still. You know I ‘m a believer and I’m sure she shall advice and guide us as she used to do with a lot of energy. We really loved each other and our bond will service eternity.
A well-known common place says that between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law there’s always a conflict. Moira and yourself on the contrary are an exception. How did you make such a love Bond?
You see, Moira immediately welcomed me like her down daughter. After the program was finished, Reality Circus, I mean, she called to offer some occasion as a special guest. On that occasion I could get to know Stefano better. So I learnt to love both him and his world. Strength, bravery, and the whole family integrity broke any resistance left in me. Moira felt I could be the right woman for her son; who know what could have happened if only she didn’t look for me. Surely Moira’s magical skills shaped today life. She’s a goddess to me and I ‘m not kidding.
Maybe your children will follow their parents steps; how would you react were it the case?
Manfredi already does. It’s against my will: he participates to shows involving his close friends. They’re Elda’s children a dear friend of mine. He’s happy about it. I can’t get in his way. I like supporting him. It was his strong will to enter the tiger cage with his father, he really longed to it. Ever since he quit I fear it really happened. Circus always makes you risk your life, this is why I wish that they did something else. I mean a less dangerous job than their father’s. I am particularly anxious therefore is difficult and very hard for me to work out these worries. Also Brando is only two. Please don’t make me sick now. There’s time to it.
We’re living the tragedy of war in Ukraine. How do you explain them the situation?
I wonder every day. So many innocent people. Still now after all we should have learnt form the past Terrorism and war make us sick; can you imagine what do they change in teens minds? I cannot avoid talking to them I’m moved by what they think. I can listen to them and get along their lives and curiosity. I don’t like violence in TV even though I know they do have to understand what’s gong on. You know these are images against peace and the upbringing I strive to teach them Images that have nothing in common with respect, kindness and compassion. I don’wanna diminish the reality of war but I think they do not have to know all details. This generation cannot lock herself in a glass cage, for today technology makes everyone see and know everything. Children included unfortunately.